Timmins Minor Hockey Association (TMHA), along with Northern Ontario Hockey Association (NOHA) and the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF), is pleased to announce a training program for team officials to support trans-inclusive hockey in Ontario, understand discrimination based on gender identity and provide gender expression training.
There training courses will educate team officials on this important topic - Understanding Discrimination based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression.
All coaches and trainers must take the course and coaches will be awarded certification maintenance points for taking the courses. TMHA recommends that all team officials and administrators take this training given its significant benefit. For team officials already assigned to a team, completion of these modules will be required.
Officials will register for the courses in the eHockey portal and require an eHockey account. If you do not have an eHockey account you can create one after clicking the Register for the Training link.
Once you have registered for the training you will receive an email from eHockey. Within that email you will find the address to the online training in the "Post Task/Field Evaluation" section.
This process started in 2013, when a complaint to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario was filed against Hockey Canada alleging discrimination in services based on gender identity.
“Timmins Minor Hockey believes that this training is crucial in educating our Team Officials on the subject of Trans-inclusive sport and is proud to be working with Northern Ontario Hockey Association (NOHA) and the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) on this endeavor” - Timmins Minor Hockey Association.
Register for the Training
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